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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  September 24, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ everybody. ♪ ♪ >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." we're going to break down mitt romney on 60 minutes. >> i can tell the american people specifically what my policy looks like. >> cenk: i'll show you how he is lying. done miss that and then i talked to joy behar today about how mitt romney is trying to run away from her, and she is actually complementing anymore a lot of ways. >> joy: if you are going to be turned on by republicans i would
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prefer him and scott brown so let's say nixon. >> cenk: oh really? and then some republican has finally come to akin's legitimate rape rescue. >> my expectation would be in the crunch in october, governor romney is going to be for the entire ticket. >> cenk: good to see newt is back in the race. the whole show is fun. that's why it's go time. [♪ theme music ♪] >> this was the defining week.
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>> does romney believe the things that he says? >> if you don't learn from experience and your mistakes why, you ought to be fired. >> he seems to have only one note, tax cuts for the wealthy. >> it will be the haven for capitol formation. >> you called the romney campaign this week a rolling calamity. >> when they show up at the hospital they get free care. we do provide care for people who don't have insurance. >> you paid 14% in federal taxes. that's the capital gains rate. is that fair? >> cenk: mitt romney went on "60 minutes," and he said a lot of things. and we're here to show you how what he said does not make sense at all. first he was asked about the 28
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different flip-flops he has had during his career. and here was his answer. >> the principals have i had are the principals i have since the beginning of my political life. what have i learned? have i found that some things i thought would be effective turned out not to be effective. absolutely. you don't learn from your mistakes you ought to be fired. >> cenk: all right. he is done with the flip flopping, because he is running for president. let's see if it happens during the interview. when they said hey, the health care plan you got, and what you say you would take away wouldn't that leave 50 million people uninsured. how would you deal with them mitt? >> we do provide for people who don't have insurance. if someone has a heart attack they don't sit in their apartment and die, we pick them
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up in an ambulance and take them to the hospital and give them care. >> cenk: we didn't let you die in the street. what more do you want from us? here is the interesting part. you know who doesn't agree with mitt romney on that? mitt romney. here he is in 2010. >> it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to have millions and millions of people to have people who can go to the emergency room and get care for which they have no responsibility particularly if they have sufficient means to pay their own way. >> cenk: watch this clip from glenn beck in 2007. >> they show up at the hospital they get care they get free care paid for by you and me. if that's not a form of
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socialism i don't know what is. >> cenk: wow. back in 2007 he was calling that socialism. if you show up at the emergency room, now that rocks. back then he was saying that is a form of socialism. the flip-flops never end with mitt romney. now know why? because he doesn't give a damn. the only thing that mitt romney cares about is how do i get mitt romney elected. so what do i need to tell the person in front of me at this point in time that they want to hear. that's what i tell them. the one thing he does have an opinion on is let's make sure we protect the rich. but we'll tell you something else. >> i'm going to limit deductions and exceptions particularly for the people at the high end. should be no tax reduction for high income people.
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>> cenk: he wanting income taxes to be progressive. really? but he did mention this part. >> well the current rates less 20%. so the top rate would go from 35 to 28. >> cenk: all right. now that makes it an enormous tax cut for the rich. this is the moment you have been waiting for on "the young turks" when we do math. all right. i'll trying to make this as simple as possible. you know home mortgage deducts your interest that you pay on your mortgage. so we're assuming an income of a million dollars, and this is obviously a very wealthy individual, and a mortgage of a million dollars. so the deduction will be $40,000. what does that mean? that means once you take the deduction your income will be
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$960,000. so what does that mean? your total taxes will be $336,000. that's the current plan right? so if you are making a million dollars, you are paying theoretically $336,000. under romney's plan he says i'm going to tax your 28%. so it will be $28,000, and even though i'm taking away the home mortgage deduction, your savings is $56,000. okay. so understand this as mitt romney just told you, hey, you know what the rich aren't going to get an extra tax break because i'm going to take away the home mortgage deduction. and under romney's plan if you
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are making a million dollars, you wind up saving $56,000 extra if you are incredibly rich. but if you are middle class, what is it going to do to you? it is going to crush you. in fact skip one graphic down to a-28 forme. under current law if you are making $10,000, you would be paying $3,486,000. under romney's plan you would be paying $2.8 million. if you are making $10 million a year you get a $686,000 tax break under mitt romney's plan. so he tells you, i'm not trying to help the rich.
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he is lying through his teeth. he would give them nearly a $700,000 tax break if they make $10 million. if they make $1 million they still get that break. all right. how about his own taxes. listen to this. >> it is a low rate and one of the reasons why the capitol gains tax rate is lower, is because tax has already been taxed once at the corporate level. >> so you think it is fair? >> yeah, i think it's the right way to encourage economic growth. >> cenk: so you paying 14% realistically way under 14% for many, many years is fair when the average pays more than that? how is that fair? that's not fair at all. and how is your money creating
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jobs over here when it is parked over in the cayman islands, that's not fair. how about on the issue of medicare look at this. >> well i don't want any change to medicare for current seniors or for those that are nearing retirement. >> cenk: isn't that funny. he says my plan is great, but you current seniors, i'm not going to apply my plan to you. in other words obviously you would despise my plan so i'm going to actually screw up your kids and grandkids instead. why i'm so reassured. and now we get to the issue of, quote unquote, obamacare. >> the first big one is i'm not going to go forward with obamacare. i will repeal obamacare. it costs about $100 billion a
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year. >> cenk: it is the exact opposite. if you refeel obamacare, it actually -- as you can see from the congressional budget office. so if you repeal it costs us $100 billion. not if you keep it. it is the exact opposite of the truth. that's what mitt romney told you. and then finally what does he do at night? he apparently prays. >> you pray every night before you go to bed? >> i do pray. >> what do you ask for? >> that's between me and god. [ laughter ] >> but mostly wisdom and understanding. i seek to understand things that i don't understand. >> cenk: well then i hope you pray tonight that god helps you understand what the hell that interview was about, and all of
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the different misstatements and lies you had in there. you can always tell mitt romney is uncomfortable when he does he awkward laugh. [ mocking laughter ] >> cenk: when you come back you know what your new favorite union is? the nfl refs. >> there is a lot of people in the league that would rather break the union. they feel like officiating is a commodity. >> cenk: and then paul ryan several years ago through mitt romney under the bus. rather than having what happen's when you put susan sarandon and cyndi lauper together on the same couch. well, it's conversation you won't hear anywhere else. that's for sure. plus, singer and activist, wyclef jean. only on current tv.
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are they contagious? i don't think so. [ male announcer ] contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow!
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>> cenk: the contract with nfl referees association expired in june, and now they are having a bit of a problem obviously with wages and their pensions because they have been locked out. it is causing a bit of an issue in the nfl that's for sure. look at what happened last night. >> reporter: bill belichick at various times were clearly uet and at thehe end o o the game he was seen going up to a official requesting an explanation, reaching out with his right arm as the official raced off of the field. >> cenk: he was indeed. and people have been getting very touchy. john fox was signed $30,000, the coach of the broncos, for what happened last week and that's
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belichick there. $25,000 for the defensive coordinator for the broncos. we have seen all of these unions have different issues. i always want to give you a sense of perspective on it. in this case the nfl is a $9 billion industry. the issue with the national football league's referee association is matter of $62,000 per team. really? we're enduring the worst refs of our life because you are worried about $62,000 a team. >> reporter: there are a lot of people in the league that would rather break the union. there's a lot of people don't feel like officiating is an on the field necessarily, it's a commodity. so they don't care bottom line.
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player safety doesn't matter in this case. >> cenk: so that's really interesting. i love those strong words by steve young. and the national football league player's association is is also getting involved, they say . . . and that is certainly what it looks like by the way as far as fans are concerned. sean spicer tweets out . . . and there are two more fans of the nfl that feel that way. we and ben mankiewicz. ben joining us now. ben, people say i don't know are they getting paid too much too a little? how do i know?
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>> first of all what do we care what they are getting paid. this is a $9 billion a year industry. the starting salary is $78,000, the average looks close to be $8,000 a week. compare that to the averages of some other sports they all get more money. >> cenk: i know they work a shorter year -- >> yeah less gruelling. >> cenk: no question be for christ's sakes the nfl has paid $110,000. what is their ratings? >> the nfl obviously being the most powerful and significant sports league in the world, a giant marketing tool needs to know that the ref -- we have seen that if you don't have quality referees you diminish
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the product. so let's make them full-time referees. the nfl is quite capable of making these guys full-time employees. you would have 119 referees right now. and the cost would be less than 1% of the nfl. >> cenk: so if they are trying to break the union, they are ironically proving their case. >> yeah we did a segment today on tyt sports we named it turk of the week and jerk of the week, because this not their fault. now they are trying to keep up with charles of the kansas chiefs. they are overmatched.
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they have no business being here. and the players know it. there is a tweet today, he tweeted can you please tell these zebras foot locker called and they are needed back at work. and then in a great develop later in the day he said no i wasn't talking about the refs. >> cenk: oh, really? then literally zebras. >> yes. so why we need to stand with the union here it is's diminishing the product that we see. the games are largely unwatchable. the players -- there's a loss of control from the referees. night after night, game after game, we are seeing close to fights. at some point there is going to be a full-fledged fight.
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>> cenk: yeah i saw a horse collar not being called by happens from time to time. but in the saint's game it was a disaster. >> i don't even think it's the issue of the blown calls, it's about the washability of their product. right now the nfl doesn't care. people are watching anyway. this goes on long enough i think it will make a difference. the spokesman for the nfl pointed out when he said the officials don't deserve the race they want -- and it's about their pension too -- do the officials get the same kind of raises in their other jobs as they did in 2006? and that gets to the problem here too. these officials all have other jobs in the off-season. one is a trial lawyer i think
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the nfl is looking at a real problem, if they don't pay them long term make them significant employees, they are susceptible to turning to a referee who can swing the game in their favor. another reason the nfl needs to cave. they could give them everything they wanted right now, and it looks like it would cost about $62,000 a team. >> cenk: even my dad was watching with me yesterday, and he said [ inaudible ]. he became indian all of a sudden by the way. look there's a reason for unions, the unions they gave you saturday. >> you totally butchered the quote. the unions the people that gave you the weekend.
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>> cenk: it's something like that. [ laughter ] >> cenk: and they gave us quality football. and it is the richest people in the country, literally, the nfl owners versus guys doing part time work. mitt romney running away from "the view" because he is worried about joy behar's sharp tongue. >> joy: he is kind of scared of us. >> well, sure. it is somewhat liberal, the show. >> cenk: and try to guess this twist
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uh, i'm in a timeout because apparently riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks... wait, why are you taking... oh, i see...solitary.
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just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone... with an e-trade app. ♪ nobody knows... ♪ [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. (vo) now, it's your turn. (vo) connect with the young turks with cenk uygur. >> it's go time.
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♪ >> cenk: president obama and first lady michelle obama did a joint appearance on "the view." republicans are livid about this. why? because they said oh my god, he was in new york for a day and a half and he didn't meet with prime minister netenyahu. >> he has time for whoopi goldberg? but he doesn't have time for world leaders? >> chris, look the president is going to be actively involved at the un general assemblies -- >> giving a speech -- >> chris, they have telephones in the white house. last week we talked to the
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leader in libya. >> cenk: look meeting with foreign leaders has nothing to do with whether he'll get elected or not elected, fund raises which they all have time for, that has a lot to do with the election. they'll make time for the media and the "the view" is very important for the female demographic. so that's part of it. and what he hasn't met with netenyahu enough? >> believe me he has met with them plenty of times and knows exactly where the prime minister stands. what did they discuss on "the view"? they discussed libya, and what they would do after the presidency if he won a second term, and apparently michelle obama said go on a long vacation. i don't blame her. president obama joked around
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that he was there to be eye candy. and joy behar tweeted about mitt romney and his reluctance to appear on the show . . . damn maybe that's what mitt romney is referring to when talking about her sharp tongue. in fact we talked to joy behar earlier today and asked her about that. first let me play you the tape of his secret meeting with donors and get your reaction >> joy: okay. >> although "the view" is high risk, only one is conservative and four are sharp tongued and not conservative whippy goldberg in particular. although last time on the show she said you know what i think
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i could vote for you. >> cenk: joy, first reaction? >> joy: well he has a sense of humor there, but if he thinks we're sharp-tongued women, then i guess he is right about that. but president obama is on the show all the time. and doesn't seem to mind. we're respectful to these politicians who come on and if he can't deal with my sharp tongue how is he going to deal with putin's sharp tongue or others? he did to come on the show and just do it. >> cenk: i'm not sure i want to think about romney dealing with putin's sharp tongue. [ laughter ] >> cenk: it appears no matter
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how much they are concerned about you guys they feel like they have to show up on "the view" anyway. how does that feel? >> joy: i'm going to take myself on a little power trip if you keep saying these things to me. but i think they do know that we have a huge female audience that vote. i have been there for 15 years, and have gotten into plenty of trouble over the years. i got in trouble with john mccain because i called him on something, and he didn't like that. and maybe romney is afraid i'll do that again. all i know is he is being chicken for not coming on. and it doesn't serve him well to not come on. >> cenk: sharp tongued, i'm not sure i see him using that for
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male anchors. do you think it's slightly sexest? >> joy: yeah women clucking and their tongues are wagging, you are right about that. but what can i do? he is a guy and he is not exactly in the 21st century with his thinking. >> cenk: he feels like you are a little tougher than cnn and other main outlets he goes on but on the other hand you have been actually very nice toe to -- to him. i want to show you a little clip. >> ho and i are a lot of like we both married above ourselves -- >> joy: hunky. [ laughter ] >> joy: i forgot about that. er think that -- he should watch
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that and he is see i'm a friendly gal. i'm there to attack him or undo him. he can play. obviously he has got a sense of humor. >> cenk: he seemed much looser than he normally does. just they are both hunks in their own way, i would prefer him and scott brown to let's say nixon. >> really? how about gingrich? >> joy: oh i just ate a snack. one sometime i ran into joe biden somewhere in florida, and he was saying he is a more skeptical about going on jon stewart than meet the press because comedians can be very
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dangerous. i get vibes, you know, that sarah palin doesn't want to come on because of me. they might be making this up i'm not sure. so whatever. >> cenk: what is the difference between doing "the view" and doing "say anything" on current tv? tell me about the difference between these two? >> joy: i was raised an only child, and i have been sending the last 15 years with siblings who constantly interrupt me so now i don't have that issue, and it's all me me me. my show. so i kind of like that. who wouldn't. >> cenk: you can catch joe garofoli "say anything," and 6:00 pm eastern and tomorrow she'll talk about obama's interview that she had on "the view" on her program "say
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anything." more inappropriate comments online at all right. when we come back speaking of inappropriate, todd akin finally he has a republican on his side. i'll tell you who it is and why he's coming t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t now to my point. (vo) jennifer granholm ... >>for every discouraged voter, there are ten angry ones taking action. trickle down does not work. in romney's world, cars get the elevator and the workers get the shaft. that is a whole bunch of bunk. the powerful may steal an election, but they can't steal democracy.
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an energizing fruit or relaxing mint flavor. new 5 rpm gum. stimulate your senses. ♪ >> cenk: todd akin is the guy running for senate in missouri
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who got himself in a lot of trouble by saying if a woman suffering legitimate rape her body shuts down so she doesn't get pregnant. but don't worry, todd there is a classy republican guy coming to your rescue. >> a lot of people said a lot of things in the first 48 hours. my expectation would be in the crunch in october, governor romney will be for the entire ticket and for todd akin. >> cenk: so newt gingrich shows up to help him out in a campaign event and says every republican in good conscious must support akin because the senate relies on it. he also said this. >> they are not going to be the
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nominee. >> you are going to be the nominee. >> i'm going to be the nominee. >> cenk: i love that clip every single time. akin don't worry, now you have gingrich on your side. now let's turn to another issue. ann romney on friday her plane was grounded because it filled up with smoke. so they asked mitt romney about it, and here is what he said it is amazing . . . >> cenk: mitt you don't know why the windows on the plane don't
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open? you haven't thought that one through? that's amazing. that quote made me think he is dumb. all along, i thought he made a lot of money, but obviously he is not a dumb guy. why don't the windows on the plane open? i don't get it. put a couple of thoughts behind it, mitt that's amazing. paul ryan through mitt romney under a bus, except he didn't know it. paul ryan talking back in 2010. >> we don't want to have a situation where we are penalizing businesses for keeping their money, and heard quarters in america, so rather than having the cayman islands be the place you hide your
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money, why don't you make it america? >> cenk: there is the guy who is now your vp pick saying come on we don't want anybody hiding people in the kaymen islands, in which case he is my boss. oops. that's awesome. now when we come back the issue america needs to be talk about. we're going to tackle it here. spanking yes or no. >> taylor and her mother chose corporal punishment over the day-long >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is.
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for healthy tips and more, visit ♪ >> cenk: first issue for the court is like spanking yes or no? tailor santos is a sophomore in texas, and she was caught cheating for which the punishment was spanking. >> reporter: after she got caught helping another student cheat, taylor got a paddle to the backside. taylor and her mother chose the spanking over a one-day
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suspension. they are outraged by who did it their male vice principal. >> cenk: that's drama. here is more. >> reporter: texas is one of 19 states that allows corporal punishment in schools usually as long as a parent agrees. the superintendent told nbc news that in both cases they followed texas law, but violated school policy which states spanking a student can only be done by a employ of the same sex. >> cenk: we found a website that give example of spanking. you get an example of what we're talking about. watch. [ inaudible ]
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>> three? >> yeah, three. >> cenk: now as you see that tape -- and the reason we showed it to you, is so you understand it can be pretty damn painful and severe. jayar jackson spanking should or shouldn't be allowed? >> of course not. as the guy from the cut said because it's a male vice principal. [ laughter ] >> i don't care if the parents or the student agree it to because i think also on the side she thinks she is getting off easy. >> cenk: ana she agreed to it. she said i'm going to take the spanking. >> she did, by think it's the parent's job to have better judgment when it comes to this
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situation. and it kind of amazing me that most of these corporal punishment laws are in conservative states right? and conservatives are always arguing against big government. so if you are against big government does it make sense to have be in favor of having someone else have their hands on your child? >> cenk: of course that's an issue, and look, michael, if i have got a daughter forget the fact that the male would hit harder, right, which was their primary concern, i don't want an old male dude hitting my 15-year-old daughter spanking her, isn't it? >> of course it? is you should never hit a child. >> cenk: what a liberal. 19 different states though still allow it? i think there are a lot of
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parents in the country who say, no no no. times you need a good spanking. >> at the end of the day when the superintendent found out what hand he wasn't against what hand he wanted to change the school policy that doesn't allow a male employees to spank a female student. >> i wasn't worried about him hurting her harder. he is probably enjoying this a little bit. >> cenk: yeah that's a whole other thing. male vice principal says i would like to spank your 15-year-old daughter. on which goddamn planet?
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okay. now students wouldn't have to tell parents about it. so that's of course got a lot of conservatives up in arms. let's go to a report to understand more. >> reporter: this is going to increase promiscuity -- >> it stands to connecting students to public health and allows school nurses to disperse birth control pills to students without notifying their parents. >> i think it's a good idea. >> reporter: health officials site alarming statistics. 90% of teenage pregnancy are unplanned and more than half of the 90,000 are terminated. >> cenk: okay. ana, should be it allowed?
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>> yes. >> cenk: michael? >> it should be allowed, but they should be spanked. of course it should be allowed. >> cenk: but if you are a parent -- >> 50% of these are aborted as the reporter said over 50% of these result in abortions -- >> cenk: but as a parent does it bother you that you wouldn't get notified? >> no i don't want to know about every single thing my child is doing if i'm the parent of a teenager. >> cenk: jayar. >> i don't want to know everything my kid is doing, but i do want to know everything the
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school is doing to my children. >> cenk: but where is she going to get it if -- do you think it leads to more promiscuity? >> no. but the school -- i know you spend most of your time there as a kid, but it's a different approach i'm a little uncomfortable with it. >> just a few things to keep in mind the parents do have the option to opt out. they started this program last year, and only two to 5% of parents opted out of it. so as long as the parents know they have the option to opt out, i'm totally fine with it and plan b is only effective within 72 hours of having sex. >> and parents had a chance to
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opt out of this and the fact that they didn't and they know this -- >> yeah go ahead and ask them. and you'll have a pretty good percentage. >> cenk: all right. by 3-1 ruling we have plan b. eliot spitzer what do you think? >> eliot: i have three kids they have all graduated from high school. plan b is a hugely important pill that permits birth control to be accessible to many more people. i think parents should have some right to know what their kids are doing. that makes me sound old and conservative, but with three daughters maybe that's what happens. we have thomas frank who is one of the smartest observes about politics. and ben of ben and jerry's wants to talk politics.
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i want to talk ice cream. thank you, elliot. >> eliot: any time. >> cenk: when we come back the elbow of the day who it is? and who it is and good luck. ♪
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are they contagious? i don't think so. [ male announcer ] contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow!
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>> it's go time. (vo) at the only online forum with a direct line to cenk uygur. >>if you had to vote for a republican, which one would it be? (vo) join the debate now. >> cenk: earlier in the show we were talking about america's knew favorite union, the nfl referees. we have another football-related story for you guys today. the dallas cowboys obviously own
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the website they were also trying to buy they wound up not getting the site over financial conflict. and who ended up getting the site? who did? a website interested in cowboy dating. here is what it says on the website. is an online dating site for cowboys. you'll be able to find your perfect match here. how about them cowboys! [ laughter ] >> cenk: so i believe elbow of the day would be right on top
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